Seotun Saram: Redefining Psychological Counseling with Design

Award-winning Mobile UX UI Design by Donggyun Kang

Seotun Saram, meaning "someone who is not skilled and used to," is a groundbreaking service that aims to revolutionize the field of psychological counseling. Designed by the talented Donggyun Kang, this mobile UX UI design brings a message of hope and consolation to those in need, while redefining the way counseling is perceived and experienced.

In Korea, the lack of proper regulation on psychological counseling has led to the proliferation of uncertified counseling centers. This has resulted in a negative perception of counseling and a lack of trust among the public. Seotun Saram seeks to address these issues by connecting counselees with professional counselors in a more secure and reliable environment.

The inspiration behind Seotun Saram came from the desire to provide people with good counseling services and create a warmer and more welcoming experience. The design team wanted to break the stigma associated with counseling and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of familiarity with the process.

To achieve this, they created a captivating fairy tale that metaphorically represents the counseling journey. This fairy tale, which is given to users of the service, guides them through the process and instills a sense of comfort and familiarity. The warm paper texture, lyrical navy blue of the night sky, and hand-drawn icons further enhance the immersive experience.

Seotun Saram not only focuses on the user experience but also prioritizes the safety and quality of counseling. The design seamlessly integrates a directory of qualified psych consultancy centers, ensuring that users receive professional and reliable services. By providing accurate information and the right direction for counseling, Seotun Saram aims to enable clients to receive skilled counseling in a safer setting.

The project faced several challenges, including the need to transform the negative perception of psychological counseling into a friendly and warm experience. Additionally, the design team had to ensure the accurate dissemination of psych consultancy information. Through meticulous research and creative problem-solving, they successfully overcame these challenges and created a design that is both visually appealing and highly functional.

Seotun Saram was developed in the Republic of Korea, with the project commencing in April 2017 and concluding in August 2018. The design has received widespread recognition and was awarded the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2020. This award recognizes the design's excellence in meeting professional and industrial requirements, as well as its practicality and innovation.

Donggyun Kang, along with the talented team of designers and developers, has truly redefined the field of psychological counseling with Seotun Saram. By combining design, technology, and a deep understanding of the human psyche, they have created a platform that not only provides valuable counseling services but also brings warmth, comfort, and hope to those in need.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Coreintive
Image Credits: Coreintive
Project Team Members: Creative director : Donggyun Kang Creative director : Yangji Kim Designer : Saea Kang Designer : Jeesun Yim Designer : Heejin Um Designer : Habin Ku Designer : Inhwa Song Developer : Yumin Kim
Project Name: Seotun Saram
Project Client: Coreintive

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